If you wish to have a go at it yourself, by all means fork the GitHub repository and proceed. It is incompatible with recent versions of scikit-learn, and I (Ralph Haygood) have neither the time nor the interest to solve this problem.
Open the terminal (or on Windows, the Anaconda Prompt).Warning: this package has reached the end of its life. If you are using Miniconda or Anaconda distributions: Once finished, open your Python IDE or return to your Notebook and import your sklearn module. Package will be collected and installed. Invoke the Python Package Manager (pip) to install scikit-learn:. In the terminal / command prompt navigate to your Python installation directory (location of python.exe). Liner_reg = linear_model.LinearRegression() Fixing the error Manually configured environments / virtual environments (virtualenvs): When you try to invoke a scikit-learn in Jupyter (or other IDE such as P圜harm, Spyder, VS Code, Google Colab etc’) without properly installing the library, you will receive an error: from sklearn import linear_model You will receive the error if invoking scikit-learn modules such as line_model.logistic, cross_validation, utils, externals and so forth before installing scikit learn in your Python environment. Scikit learn is a third party library that is not part of the Python standard library. Why the modulenotfound error for scikit-learn is displayed? Use conda (for Anaconda environments) or pip to install the scikit-learn library on your development environment and then go ahead and import the library modules into your Python program.
You receive the modulenotfounderror for sklearn when trying to invoke scikit-learn or one of its methods before installing it on your Python development environment.
Fix the no module named sklearn error in Python